Selasa, 03 Juni 2014


helloo everybody , this about the management information system assigment , lecture mr.yanuar suggest me to share all of the task , I hope you can learn more and get the benefit from my blog, :))))

oiya, I use aplikasi 4 share to save my file and this the criteria assegment :

1. this journal  about
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with perceived risk and perceived benefit you can klik here

2. my group resume this file  from laudon chapter 12 ENHANCING DECISION MAKING 

  • klik here to micr word model
  • klik here to power point model

thanks you 

Nadia Mutiara / Jendral soedirman University / International Accounting 2012/ C1L012003