Rabu, 04 Desember 2013


PURWOKERTO - The process of selecting the rector of the University JenDral SOEdirman ( Unsoed ) in January 2014 , is expected to be enlivened by four candidates . Until the deadline for candidate registration rector 2014-2018 period , there were four people who signed up .

The fourth candidate :
consisting of Prof. Dr. Mas YedI

 Sumaryadi who now serves as Rector Prof. Edy Unsoed replace Yowono PhD tripping cases of alleged corruption , Prof. Dr. Imam Santosa

who now serves as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs III , former Dean of the Faculty of Economics Dr Haryadi MS ,

and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ahmad Iqbal MS PR Unsoed

 istanti Endang , said the chancellor candidate registration has been closed since Friday ( 29/11 ) . '' By the time registration closed , the number of teaching staff who signed up is the fourth candidate , '' he said , Sunday ( 1/12 ) .
According to him , based on the selection of predefined stages Unsoed Senate , the committee will begin verifying the registration file on Monday ( 2/12 ) . Furthermore , those who qualify for the administrative requirements will be defined as chancellor candidate on Tuesday ( 3/12 ) .
Under the terms of the requirements set out in Regulation Senate Unsoed No. 17/2013 on procedures for the selection of the rector , the fourth candidate is expected to qualify as chancellor candidate . It is stated , chancellor candidate must meet the requirements of a civil servant who works in Unsoed , aged up to 60 the expiration of the term of office later , not been sentenced to imprisonment , educated doctoral ( S3 ) and the lowest positions Associate Professor . '' Based on all of the requirements , it seems that the four qualified candidates , '' said Endang .
Once established as chancellor candidate , then they are required to perform the delivery of the vision - mission on Wednesday ( 18/12 ) . After that, on Thursday ( 19/12 ) carried out a screening process to select three candidates to be included in the selection process . This screening process conducted by the Senate Unsoed totaling 45 people . From this process , a new on January 14, 2014 election which was also attended by the rector of the senate Unsoed .  However, the secretary of the selection Unsoed Rector Prof. Dr. Paul Israwan , previously stated that in this election process , voting rights are not only owned by 45 members of the senate Unsoed alone . But the Minister of Education and Culture , also has the voice of 30 percent . '' Therefore, when the selection process takes place, then the Education Minister or the Minister of Education officials have a mandate must be present to vote , '' he said .                 Related to this matter exchanges chancellor candidate , lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture , who also serves as the Head of Research and Community Service (SBRC ) Unsoed , Prof. totok Supreme PhD , previously rumored to be involved run . But until the registration period is closed , it is concerned not register as candidates .
We confirmed this problem , Prof. totok admitted , previously had planned to be signed up . But his intention is then changed , as there are faculty members of the Faculty of Agriculture who had signed up . Namely , Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Ahmad Iqbal .
 '' Because there my colleagues from the Faculty of Agriculture who sign up , the better I was given the opportunity to sign him , '' he said . According to him , the decision was taken that the situation in the Faculty of Agriculture could remain conducive .
Secretary Election of Prof. Dr. Paul Israwan , previously mentioned Unsoed Rector 's election is not held because officials rector 2010-2014, tripping legal issues . But because of the leadership ranks of the rector of the period , will be exhausted in 2014 .

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